Recorded 11 Feb 2015 with Ellen Gibling
Written by Graham Lindsey
This is the first tune of mine that I’d played in public – now named for Grit Laskin, maker of fine stringed instruments, and without which I wouldn’t have written any tunes at all. Thanks, Grit!
Harp accompaniment by Ellen Gibling, a harpist working in Halifax.
Sheet Music

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(right-click to download to your computer)ABC Notation
X: 1 T: Grit's Jig C: Graham Lindsey R: jig M: 6/8 L: 1/8 K: Dmaj O:Canada; Ontario; Ottawa DFA |: "G"B2B BdB | "D"BAF DFA | "G"B2B BdB | "D"BA2 DFA | "G"B2B BdB | "D"BAF Def | "G"g2g "D"fed |1 "A"d3 DFA :|2 d3 def |: "G"g2g "D"fed | "A"eAA Aef | "G"g2g "D"afe | "A"eAA Aef | "G"g2g "D"fed | "A"eAA ABc | "G"d2d efe |1 "D"d3 def :|2 d6 |]