Tune Library

From Away

Recorded 21 Aug 2015 with Shane Cook
Written by Graham Lindsey

Written for Dionne Paine who was living on the East Coast, but is a CFA (Come From Away).


Sheet Music

File Downloads

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ABC Notation

X: 4
T: From Away
C: Graham Lindsey
R: reel
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: F0
Q: 150
O:Canada; Ontario; Ottawa
CE |: "F"F2FG AcBA | "C"(GB)G(E E)CCE | "F"F2FG AcBA | "C"Gfd(e e)dcG |
"F"F2FG AcBA | "C"(GB)G(E E)CCE | "F"F2AB "C"AGEF |1 "F"F6CE :|2 "F"F6GA | 
|: "Bb"B3B AGF2 | "C"(3GAB (3AGF G2GA | "Bb"B3B AGF(G | "C"G3)CC2GA |
"Bb"B3B AGF2 | "C"(3GAB (3AGF G2GA | "Bb"B2AG "C"AGE(F |1 "F"F6)GA :|2 "F"F6:|]